
Who uses local workforce system programs and services?

The people who use the programs and services provided through local workforce systems fall into five general categories:

  • Unemployed workers are jobless, looking for work, and available for work. Underemployed workers have part-time, temporary, intermittent, or low-wage work that does not provide enough income to live stably.
  • Youthtypically defined as people ages 16 to 24, may be participating in high school vocational or career technical education programs, attending high school equivalency or adult education classes, enrolled in postsecondary education and training, or receiving employment services.
  • Adults with low basic skills lack the math, reading, writing, or English proficiency skills required to enter postsecondary education or secure a middle- or high-wage jobs.
  • People with personal challenges to work have circumstances that make it difficult to complete training or secure a job, such as a disability, criminal history, housing insecurity, or lack of access to affordable child care.
  • Workers seeking career change or advancement may be experiencing job loss or insecurity, want to work in a more interesting field, or desire to move up from entry-level work.